
Theodor Blumer

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Quintet for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn & Bassoon, Op.52

Theodore Blumer (1881-1964) was born in the German city of Dresden. He studied at the Dresden Conservatory with Felix Draeseke and enjoyed a long career as a teacher and conductor besides working as a composer. He left works in virtually every genre. His works for woodwinds were among his most popular compositions.


The Op.52 Quintet dates from 1924. It is in four movements. The style is a mix of late romantic and neo classicism. The first movement Frisch und feurig (fresh and fiery) begins with a dramatic and heroic theme in the horn played over flowing flute accompaniment. Several other sections follow, playful and full of charm. The second movement, Romanze, sehr ruhig und innig (calm and deeply felt) is peaceful and a bit dreamy. The third movement, Leicht und fliessig (light and flowing) is in the nature of an updated intermezzo. In the finale, Sehr schwungvoll (very lively, energetic), once again, the horn is given the job of introducing the upbeat and playful main theme as the other voices fly about like birds.


This is a very fine modern woodwind quintet which will make a strong positive impression in concert but can also be recommended to home music makers looking for an approachable post-romantic era work.

Parts: $29.95 




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