
Luise Adolpha Le Beau

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Piano Quartet in f minor, Op.28

Luise Adolpha Le Beau (1850-1927) was born in the German town of Rastatt. She began to study the piano with her father. Subsequently she studied composition with Johann Kalliwoda and piano with Clara Schumann after which she began a career as a piano soloist. She broke off her performing career to further her composition studies with Josef Rheinberger and Franz Lachner. She composed in most genres with chamber music playing an important part of her oeuvre. In addition to this piano trio, she has a piano quartet, a string quartet and string quintet as well as several instrumental sonatas to her credit. Her works won several prizes and were well regarded by such luminaries as Liszt, Berlioz, Bargiel, Joachim and several others.


Her fine Piano Quartet in f minor was published in 1884 the year after she completed it and was dedicated to Franz Lachner with whom she had recently finished studying composition. The first movement opens with an emotional Adagio introduction with the strings alone. The main section, Allegro con fuoco, lives up to its name, full of fire and forward motion. In the Adagio which follows, the piano states the highly romantic main theme before the strings join in intensifying the music's beauty. The third movement, Tempo de Mazurka is a playful romp, perhaps more an intermezzo than a mazurka. The finale, Allegro, is a dance-like rondo.


This is a first rate work from start to finish which is certain to be hit in the concert hall and which can be warmly recommended to amateur players..

Parts: $34.95 




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