
Leander Schlegel

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Piano Quartet in C Major, Op.14

Leander Schlegel (1844-1913) was born in the Dutch town Oegstgeest near Leiden where he began his music studies. He showed an early talent, especially on the violin and drew the interest of the virtuoso Ferdinand Laub. Eventually, however, he concentrated on piano and composition and continued his studies at the Leipzig Conservatory where he studied piano with Ignaz Moscheles and compostion with Ernst Richter. For several years thereafter, he pursued a career as a solo pianist before settling in Haarlem where he taught and then served as director of the music school there for the rest of his life.


His Piano Quartet in C Major, Op.14 dates from 1888. It is written on a large scale and Brahms serves as Schlegel’s ideal and one can in places hear this influence. The big and somewhat dark-hued opening movement, Allegro moderato, begins in a calm and contemplative manner and then turns quite lyrical with several emotional climaxes. The leisurely second movement, Allegretto piacevole con moto, is a cross between an intermezzo and a scherzo. The Andante, ma molto sostenuto is subtitled Sarabande. It is introverted with deep feelings. The finale, Allegro brioso, piu tosto moderato, ma resoluto, begins as a energetic march that has an air of triumph about it.


This is a first rate from a fine Dutch composer which certainly deserves performance in the concert hall and which can also be recommended to experienced amateur players.

Parts: $34.95 




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