
Petar Stojanovic

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Piano Quintet in c minor, Op.9

Petar Stojanovic (1877-1957) was born in the city of Budapest to an ethnic Serbian family. He studied violin at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in that city before moving to Vienna where he continued his violin studies with Jakob Grun and also studied composition with Robert Fuchs and Richard Heuberger, after which he pursued a career as a soloist and composer. He remained in Vienna until 1924 when he moved to Belgrade to accept the position of Professor of Composition at the conservatory there.


Most of his compositions were for the violin or opera, however he also composed three chamber music works, a piano trio, a piano quartet and this piano quintet. The Piano Quintet in c minor, Op.9 appeared in 1909. His thematic material is neither Serbian nor Hungarian in flavor, but it is quite nicely written with some lovely melodies., and the fact that it has no real technical difficulties makes it a good choice in particular for amateurs. Also in its favor is the fact that all of the voices are given a chance to take the lead in presenting the themes. The powerful opening movement, Allegro, almost sounds as if the composer had a symphony in mind. Next comes a clever scherzo, Allegro vivo quasi Presto, particularly impressive is the waty in which the modulations seamlessly take place. The third movement is an appealing Andantino. The impressive finale, Allegro vivace. not only is full of forward motion, but also sports some very memorable melodies.


This work will do well with audiences in concert. The fact that it has no real technical difficulties also makes it a good choice in particular for amateurs.


Parts: $39.95 




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