
Paul Viardot

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Violin Sonata No.2 in B flat Major

Paul Viardot (1857-1941) was born in the French town of Courtavenet. His mother, Pauline Viardot, was a famous singer. He attended the Paris Conservatory where he studied violin with Hubert Leonard and composition with Cesar Franck and Theodore Dubois. He became a prominent soloist and enjoyed considerable success particularly in France and England. Faure dedicated his first violin sonata to him.


Virtually all of Viardot's compositions are for the violin. His Violin Sonata No.2 in B flat Major has no opus number but dates from 1902. It is dedicated to the famous French violin virtuoso, Henri Marteau. The opening movement, Moderato, has for its main subject a lyrical, optimistic subject. The rest of movement is flowing.  The mood of the second movement, Andante sostenuto, again is essentially optimistic with long-lined singing melodies. The finale, Allegro ma non troppo, is also sunny, bright and full of verve.


Unavailable for nearly a century, this sonata would do well in the recital hall and as it does not make any technical demands can be warmly recommended to amateur players. We are pleased to make it available one again.


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