
Per Winge

Soundbite 1st Movt

Soundbite 2nd Movt

Piano Trio in F Major, Op.3

Per Winge (1836-1898) was born in the Norwegian capital Christiana, today known as Oslo. He studied piano locally and composition with Johan Svendsen before traveling to Leipzig where he studied composition with Salomon Jadassohn and piano with Carl Reinecke and then on to Berlin where he took lessons from Woldemar Bargiel. After which he returned to Norway and worked as a conductor and composer. Most of his works are for voice.

His Piano Trio in F Major was published in 1884 and appears to have be composed just after he finished his studies with Svendsen. The opening movement, Allegro vivace, is quite lyrical and very romantic in style. It is followed by a beautiful Andante sostenuto, then a charming, dance-like Scherzo, allegretto. The finale is a triumphant Molto vivace.

Out of print for more than a century, this is a very appealing work which presents no technical difficulties and as such can be warmly recommended to amateur players looking for a first rate concert work.


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