
Ewald Straesser

Soundbite 1st Movt

Soundbite 2nd Movt

Soundbite 3rd Movt

Sonata for Violin and Piano in D Major, Op.32

Ewald Straesser (also Sträßer 1867-1933) was born in the Rhenish town of Burscheid not far from Cologne. After studying music locally, he entered the Cologne Conservatory where he studied with Franz Wüllner. After graduating, Straesser held a teaching position there and then later became a professor at the Stuttgart Conservatory. Between 1910-1920, Straesser's symphonies enjoyed great popularity and were performed by the leading conductors of the day such as Artur Nikisch,  Richard Strauss, Willem Mengelberg, Felix Weingartner, and Wilhelm Furtwängler. His chamber music was also frequently performed by the then active leading ensembles.


His Sonata for Violin and Piano dates from 1917. In three movements, it begins with a genial Allegro amabile, e con anima. The second movement, a calm Adagio has an interesting and restless middle section. The finale, Allegro molto e energico, is a buoyant and upbeat affair.


This is a fine work from the late Romantic era which would do well in the recital hall.


Parts: $24.95





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